If you don't have your own website, you're just living as a peasant on Reddit or Facebook or Twitter's virtual apartments. Get your own domain name and a VPS to host everything you need. The startup and maintenance costs are pocket change and you get a degree of independence unseen in the modern controlled internet. To register a domain name, absolutely use Epik (https://www.epik.com/?affid=we2ro7sa6) their prices are as cheap as they get and they have an open commitment to not banning people when asked by media mobs. If you get a domain name from the link above I get some Epik credit so I can continue to keep my domains up after I die lol To host a website, get a VPS. I use Vultr (https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8384069-6G). That link gives you a free one month credit of $100 to play around with whatever want for then. There are other VPS hosts like Linode and Digital Ocean that are common and good as well. Again, I pay less than $5 for one VPS that handles my three websites, email server, git server, search engine and can be used as a Google Drive file-storage equivalent. WEBSITE: https://lukesmith.xyz 🌐❓🔎 DONATE: https://lukesmith.xyz/donate 💰😎👌💯 OR affiliate links to things l use: https://www.epik.com/?affid=we2ro7sa6 Get a cheap and reliable domain name with Epik. https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8384069-6G Get a VPS and host a website or server for anything else. https://brave.com/luk005 Get the Brave browser. https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Luke View my videos on LBRY. https://www.coinbase.com/join/smith_5to1 Get crypto-rich on Coinbase.